
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Demolition of Satans tactics

Dearly Beloved Body of Christ we bless you in the name of Our Lord Jesus The Christ! Setred at the Right hand of the Father, as well as we in Christ in the right hand! 

We are not to be ignorant of the Devils tactics. We can overcome all the schemes of the devil. The devil is a schemer. A scheme is a plan, design, or program of action!(is this sounding irregularly familiar?) The Bible talks about the wiles of the devil Eph. 6:11. A wile is a trick or a trap. A trap is a snare. 

Traps and snares are hidden. People fall into them unknowingly. We are delivered from the hand of the fowler and from the snare of the cowled. This in fact is satan as a hunter. A fowler is a hunter. Satan is hunter for souls. 

Warfare involves tactics and strategies! The greatest  generals are great technicians and strategist. We cannot win without a strategy. Satan uses grace as a weapon in modern-day churches today. He turns it to defiling the covenant made between God and. Mankind through Jesus Christ!  We cannot allow the enemy to strategize against us we can simply overcome and destroy his strategies to prayer. The main tactic of the enemy is deception. Living in a modern day era church can be deceptive if in fact walking in holiness is taken out. 

 There are a host of lying and deceiving spirits that work under the authority of Satan. The spirit include delusion, deception, lying, seducing, blinding, error and guile. Living up to the word of God and knowing the word of God exposes the tactics of the enemy. Jesus himself being the word of God in the visible image of an invisible God came as the light in men yet darkness comprehended it not. I pray that this allows us to see clearly the age that we are in. We have been presented with life, Yet we live in an age of darkness.  The conveniency of modern day gospel dispatchEs the falsehood many believe to be right and honorable. 

Are praying can strip the power of these deceiving spirits and caused the eyes of people to be opened.  David prayed against the enemy conspiracies of the wicked. The psalms are filled with references to the plans of his enemies to overthrow him. I personally believe that is a foreshadowing in a prophetic way showing is the enemy Satan! His prayers were the key and destroying these plans and bringing them deliverance. David prayed for his enemies to be scattered, confused, exposed, and destroyed.

 Today I encourage you and your prayer life to use those words as David did so that we may scatter our enemy confuse the administrations of Satan expose their wicked schemes and destroy the wiles of the devil!

Prayer: heavenly father I quench with the shield of faith every fiery dart the enemy Sends My Way, Ephesian 6:16 I quench every fiery dart of jealousy NV anger bitterness in rage sent against my life in the name of Jesus. I break and release myself from all curses of modern-day Christianity. I am the seed of Abraham and his blessings is mine Galatians 3:14. I overcome the satanic in the Monic conspiracies in the name of Jesus I lose confusion against every satanic and daemonic conspiracy against the church.let the secret counsel of the wicked be turned into foolishness. Let those gathered against me be scattered in Jesus name. Send forth your lightning oh Lord and scatter the enemy. Destroy Lord and divide their tongues. Psalms 55:9. I speak against and overcome and divide the Monic confederacies. I speak against the ruling spirits of confederacies and denominations that cause division in the body of the church. Divide and scatter them  that are joined against your church heavenly father.  Outstretched your hand over the high places that you created for your glory and let not the enemy control them. Let us that have been given the authority through Jesus Christ sit at the right hand and have power and dominion over all darkness. Use us your vessels to expose the light of the daemonic confederacies and conspiracies in this day and age.  We honor your word we thank you for your spirit and we ask this in your son Jesus Christ we pray amen! 
Be sure to share this!  Help us spread the gospel. We feel that the Lord uses us to encourage,  equipped and challenge the body of Christ to become matured. Subscribe and follow to get daily updates. Help us carry these letters to the nations in churches. 
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God bless and have a wonderful day,
Godhead Disciple Ministry

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

We shall not be moved!

Dearly Beloved of the Most High God! Let us remember after preparing for glory we must not be moved! Lately we have discussed the formation of what a God wants to do within you and through you. Now as my wife released this wonderful teaching we must provide this for the Letter to the Saints! Preparing for glory is one step into victory, founded and fixed the glory is another! Enjoy and May God bless you in this! 

📯Saints of The Most High GOD:
📯We need to be steadfast unmovable in Jesus Christ! Not everyone that says, "LORD, LORD!" is going to be unmovable in these last days! We have to be so close to Jesus that we allow Him to do extreme cutting and pounding upon our hearts. The sword of The LORD has to be able to cut and get straight to the poison! The LORD is going to keep steadfast all who are in Him, walking in holiness and purity. These are qualifications that need to be obtained for us to be kept unmovable in these last days, right dead center in the flood of filth in Babylon.

📯We cannot say "I shall not be moved" without first and always setting The LORD before us. He must be set before us always! This is the secret of being steadfast unmovable. There is something that King David did in the following scriptures, acts of discipline; he didn't just sit around waiting for GOD to reveal Himself! The LORD wants to draw out of us a pure desire and will to set our hearts towards Him and Him alone! King David said: "I have set The LORD always before me". That word "set" used in this context of scripture means "adjust", and it's the ONLY PLACE IN THE BIBLE IT IS USED IN THIS CONTEXT! That means this is highly significant secret and KEY! He disciplined his heart and his mind and his eyes to have The LORD ever before his face! We cannot say, "I shall not be moved" unless we can first say, "I have set The LORD always before my face"! King David is saying, "LORD, I will never do anything outside the gaze of Your eyes; I will never do anything in secret, I will never do anything that will grieve You".

📯We need to be so close to Jesus that we say we want to do everything in the way we act, live, and think to make sure we never get outside of the reach of His arm and the reach of His eyes. We need to desire to be so close to Him that we are going to set Him right there before our faces, so that a thousand times a day no matter what we do we are always fixed on Him and our eyes are always upon Him! We must press Jesus into the picture of everything that we do! We must set Him before our eyes! When we do this we begin to see the foolishness of this world. When we get so close to Jesus we begin to think differently; we don't think, "how does this benefit me?" but rather, "how does this benefit You, LORD?".

📯He has us set upon a path leading to glorification! Everything that we do is to fit into that eternal flow that is in Jesus Christ. We need to be so far gone in Jesus, so far out in Him that we cannot turn back! We need to be so far out in Him that we cannot set our faces upon ANYTHING ELSE! King David had a FIXED POSITION, and that was his secret key to being steadfast unmovable! This is where we need to be! Get so close to Christ that you breathe Christ, that you think Christ, that you feel Christ, and that you act like Christ!

📯In these last days, perilous times have indeed come! There is a great danger of falling away from the Faith into this great flood of filth if we are not steadfast solid upon The Rock of Salvation! Little children, it is the last hour. Set The LORD ever before you and don't turn back! Remember Lot's wife? She looked back, and she was turned into a pillar of salt. These are the days of Noah and of Lot. It is high time that we take our stand in the Army of Christ having done all to stand! King David's cry was, "I've got to have The LORD ever at my right hand, ever in my reach". This is to also be the cry of our hearts, little ones. The time is now. Set your heart like a flame against the wind to the only One Who can save you... for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! We need to be so close to Him that He is at our right hand by which we shall NEVER FALL! If we do not walk ever so closely to Jesus, we will not make it! Prepare your heart and mind for war, for heaven and hell are preparing for this ancient war!

#ResistanceOfChrist #SoldierOfChrist
#SanctificationInChrist #DeliveranceInChrist
#SalvationInChrist #ForgivenessInChrist
#Jesusistheway #Jesusisthetruth #Jesusisthelife
📯"I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."📯Psalm 16:7-8📯

📯"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early."📯
📯Psalm 46:1-5📯

📯"Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved. How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence. They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah. My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah."📯
📯Psalm 62:1-8📯

📯"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."📯
📯Psalm 121📯

Friday, May 19, 2017

Prepare for Glory!

Dearly Beloved of the Most High God, 

Jesus went to "prepare" a place in heaven for you, 
and have we "prepared" a place in our hearts?

It is that simple. Dearly Beloved I reach you in great haste on this day. Behold many days come before us the marks the end of the age however those Our the days of preparation. For what? The Great and a terrible day of the Lord! The war that takes place, its climax and ending with a glorious reign of Our Glorious King Jesus! 

For He must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1 Corinthians 15:25,26

So agian I say prepare for glory. What are we preparing for? What are going to witness? The terrible yet wonderful presence and wrath of the Most High God destroying the enemy in the garden, Satan, sin, death! The final draw is coming to its braking end. 

We must prepare our hearts for the coming with great reverence, and great expectations! We must submit, and align ourselves! We must stay put and let the falling passion to burn hot with Joy, Zill, and inspiration! We must allow Him to discipline us into a Disciple. This is the great stand and defense against the enemy with wisdom, faith and boldness burning within and out. We have to allow our vision not to be removed, God is using each of us! It is time! Are prepared? The glory is coming! Do not loose the vision of God's will on your life. Don't give into error or blindly follow the emotions of the world. Taste and See that the Lord is good. We must allow God to empower us to overcome with Authority and Power over Satan. He is working, preparing like Christ. Are you prepared, are we preparing ourselves? He wants to strip us down to a unworthy cause knowing he has a short time. Disarm Him! Move into your excellency, the state of achievement. The state in which we receive glory to glory! Are you ready? Have you been warned? It is time. Climb and mark your selves in the private place of His bed chambers. Are we Abiding? The timing of preparations are coming to a end. Let us ascend into the heavens with Him In to glory! These are the six things Satan is doing to tear us down. Stay subjected and submitted to Our King, building a everlasting Passion. Stay in your training, standing with great discipline and know your vision. Know who your are. Release your power within the earth, let nations declare his glory! Ascend into glory by warring til the final breakthrough and breath. It is coming! Are you prepared for glory. 

For our live teaching on this visit us here:
Dream of filth and Six things the enemy is doing right now!

Help us carry out our vision by sharing Letters to the Saints,
Follow and subscribe. Let us carry it to all Nations! In Jesus Name we bless you abundantly. Amen. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Walk into and conquer oppression!

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the most high God,

We're not to created for oppression, we're created to conquer over it!  We're created to rule, we're designed to function true kingship. Through Jesus Christ we're raised up together in heavenly places. 

Oppression means simply, prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.synonyms:
the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control.synonyms:persecutionabusemaltreatment, ill-treatment, tyrannydespotismrepressionsuppressionsubjectionsubjugation;mental pressure or distress.

We're not subjected to abuse, or persecution. We're subjected to Christs' rule within, around and eternally. Yes we face the oppression but we are not subjected to it. 
Psalm 72:4 Break into prices the oppressor. Psalm 14:2 We rule over our oppressors Isaiah 54:14 I am established in righteousness, and I am far from oppression Psalm. 55:3 We rebuke the voice of the enemy our oppressor in Jesus Name. Amen. 

My dear brothers and sister of the most high God we encourage you. Walk in the Spirit, in which is what you were called into. You were destined for. Prosperity and success is within and already before you. The promise land after the river is filled with oppression by giants, mountains, trials, and war. The promise land is our destiny, and success is ordained by God who walks after His will. If you want what God has for you, then chase after the promises of God! Get what God has coming for you, by getting it. We're called into action. We have to cross the Jordan and enter into oppression, the large place. Psalm 18:19 God will deliver us out of the large place to establish our destiny because we walk by faith and not by sight. 

Joshua 1:5 "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of your life"

Every place you tread, you have the right and authority by the Spirit of the Lord to conquer it. The oppressive war is coming but, no one can stop you because God has designated the success and His will to you. Who can destroy the plans of god? No one! Not even Satan. Let us not complain, compromise and doubt. 

Join us for a live feed teaching on 6 Things The Devil is after right now! @ 4:00 pm central time. Via Periscope and Facebook 

Be blessed and encouraged.
Help us share this word by sharing it in your local churches, friends and family. Share it on you pages! Help us equip the Body of Christ One Letter at a Time! Subscribe and follow. Visit us @ 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Crossing into Enlargement

Dearly Beloved, Brothers and Sisters of the Most High God!

With great gladness and joy I extend to you this Letter. As you prepare your journey ahead there is something I wanted to release to you! 

When traveling over the river of the Jordan in our lives. We can be entering a large place. Our destiny. Our right to rule and reign through Jesus Christ. 
The time of warfare on the enemy is crucial. This is the reason why The Lord has expanded You into a large place. After the Wilderness we go into the Destiny. 
We are designed to function with a cause and purpose. This means simply to be righteous, gifted, and empowered! So today by all means of your life, release over yourself and family the protection, the power, the blood and weapons over the soil you walk into today. Do not look so much to the gaints ahead, you are like David to bold with The Spirit of YHWY. You will be feared! 
God has decided to enlarge your steps not because you can't do it, but because you are called to! Be equipped and encouraged! 

-Release Divine Safety and Protection
Let the Angel of the Lord encamp around us and protect ours. Psalm. 34:7

Lead us safety, and I will not fear. Let the sea overwhelm my enemies. Psalm 78:53

-Release The Power of God 
Let Power and might be released from Your hand. 1 Chronic. 29:12

We release the power and authority of the Lord against all demons I encounter in the name of Jesus Matt. 10:1

Release The Power of the Blood 
We overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus Rev. 12:11

My conscience is purged from the dead works to serve the Living God through the blood of Jesus Hebrews 9:14

Release Warfare
Lord, I am Your End Times warrior. Use me as your weapon against the enemy. 2 Chron. 11:1

Let all The enemies that make war with the Lamb be destroyed Rev. 17:14

Send out Your arrows and scatter them. Shoot out You light and discomfit them. Ps. 18:14

We pray that these will fit you for battle, along with the Armor of God; The Armor of Light. Ephesians Chapter 5. 

Help us share this word by sharing it in your local churches, friends and family. Share it on you pages! Help us equip the Body of Christ One Letter at a Time! Subscribe and follow. Visit us @

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sufferings while tapping into Inheritance

Dearly Beloved, May God bless you abundantly this day and forever! 

Our fellow brothers and sister pained with suffering, tribulations and the stains of the evil over the continual trials. However there is a resource and resurrection that lives within, around and eternally. Through the course of many scripture, our ministry pray that we can be used by equipping the Saints of the most high God! 

Let's look at Psalm 23. David's writing pertains a mention of shadow of death but the words I want to teach and appoint for equipping is before the promise of gloom. "The Lord is my shepherd(Provider&Overseer)I shall not want." He oversees and provides the direction to His children to green pastures. He leads, goes before. "Angel of the Lord" to the still waters. He restores our souls. Revival and resurrection! Look at Psalm 23. The first three verses! Then comes the walk in this world, tribulation, suffering. That itself is the battle front. However let us point out the Rod and Staff are in fact The Lord of host  ring the front and read guard. How? The Lord goes before us in battle. And The Shepard is the Overseer of the flock. The Shepherd is behind the flock using the staff to direct them. The Lord is before us removing the hindrance and taking on the fierce waves of the battle by making a way for us through His rod of correction, which entails on making something straight that is out of it proper function. So The Question is are we allowing God to Shepherd us and allowing Him to correct us through battles of the Mind or flesh? 

James Denney said, “Just because creation is an index to God’s resources it teaches us not to despair because we have come to the end of our own.” So Jeremiah cries out in a crisis hour, “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you,” (Jer. 32:17). So Peter bids suffering Christians to commit themselves to “their faithful Creator,” (1 Pet. 4:19).

It is an encouragement to worship, to join our voices with the heavenly host:

“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honour and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.”
(Rev. 4:11)

We are not able to inherit anything without battling for it. The devil comes to hold things from us that we are inherently righted to. We must claim our rights, promises and covenant of God through his word. Claim the provision and overseeing in your life, and over your family. Make the decision to allow God to walk you through the battle as The Shepherd but also the Warrior God, who provides a way and defends his people.

We hope that this was able to rebalance you into  a proper idea of inheritance through suffering. Our sufferings comes from being righteous and also disobedient! Make the choice to allow God in to rule and reign so the you can own the rights and inherit His will!

We pray that this exposes you to mighty blessings. God bless you in Jesus Name. Subscribe to this page Letter to the Saints; help support our Ministry and vision to inform, encourage and uplift the Body of Christ. Also visit us Thanks in advance.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Authority and Access

Dearly Beloved, I stumbled upon a powerful message about The Lord's resurrection. 

If we're not winning when we're your alone then we don't "know" intimately know The Lord. Proclaiming a victorious life comes from establishing a covenant, by access through Christ. Access comes with Authority. They are hand in hand. We can not access anything in heavenly places if we do not use the keys to the Kingdom "Authority". We can not sit in heavenly places if we don't see the given authority through resurrection. The power of resurrection gives us not only eternal life, but it's not just for you. The seperior meaning for it all is to bring the resurrection life, power and authority to earth wherever we go! 

If we begin to look at ourselves embodied as the same body of Christ then revival won't have an expected end but will be a resurrection with life, power and authority everlasting. Is sitting on the Throne without the resurrection? No. Has it stopped? No! 
Philippians 3:10-12 "that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering's, being made conformable onto his death if by any means I might hang onto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained it, either we were already perfect but I follow after, if that I Apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus"

I can follow after and grasp the resurrection because I am grasped; accessed from Christ. Meaning Christ can control me. He can command something and we do it, because we follow after the power, authority and life. By accessing Him we have to be first accessed. Are we accessed by God? If so are we being used by God to do revival and bring His kingdom on the earth as it is in heaven? If you have been crucified with Christ then your free to live! If your dead on the cross from the beginning of creation, and your resurrection is continual then power life and authority should be exposed and exercised for the Glory of God! 

We have the choice to not press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. To press toward is to chase, pursue and run after. To be apprehended by God so that the world can be apprehended by you in christ in heavenly places. 

Philippians 3:14

We pray that this exposes you to mighty blessings. God bless you in Jesus Name. Subscribe to this page Letter to the Saints; help support our Ministry and vision to inform, encourage and uplift the Body of Christ. Also visit us Thanks in advance.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Praying In Spirit

Dearly Beloved Church and Saints of The Most High GOD,

Praying in the Spirit benefits many things durning the season we might feel like dry droughts, hindering storms of various trials and experiences of shields or hedges against advancement!

Jesus is our everything; Philippians 4:19-"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches glory by Christ Jesus." 
He is the force with us in everything; Romans 8:37-"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
He is the source of our spiritual authority and blessings; 
Ephesians 1:3-"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ." 
There is no reason for us to live without the presence of God. We mustn't lose sense of direction when these things fall before us. There is three things I want to express to you and challenge you to do dealing with the senses with God. 
Expose your vessel; Soul, body and spirit to these three things.

  1. God eternally; The throne room of God, God in the eternal glory. Biblical references: Rev.4;Isaiah 6;Ezk 1
  2. Internal God; Holy Spirit within us. We as the Holy Temple of God. Biblical References: 1 Corinthians 6:19; Romans 5:5; John14:16,17; Matthew 3:11;Joel 2:28
  3. God in your proximity; The Presence around you and surroundings Biblical references: Isaiah 54:10; Deu 4:31 & 31:6; Psalm 138:7; Isaiah 43:2; Act 2:4
Praying the Spirit is usually marks as utterances of tongues, intercession, worship. The exposure to doing this rather than just wordy prayers or silent inward praying is because the the atmosphere has to shift when spoken through you with the Breath of YHWY. Elements of the Holy Spirit birth within us and around us as well in the Throne room the keys to growth, provisions,breakthrough,releases of many various gifts,guidance, and foundation.

Like a planted tree this roots us, refreshes us for God's will, timing and plan of action. We must position ourselves to listen for what we seek. All plants need water to grow and refresh. Revival comes from the flowing of the waters within us, and the Throne room of God. All roots need deep dirt or ground; foundation to grow and expand. All members function by remaining seated with communications in the Spirit. The stammering lips of utterance goes right before the Throne. Spirit to Spirit with God. Don't be exposed or lured out into the seen physical realm for dry drought like conditions to effect the plant, vessel, relationship between you And God. Be exposed to the flame, water and cloud of The Spirit. Pray for hiding and for less exposure. This introduces us to the hand of God to move on is, for us and through us! Growth comes! Provisions comes! Breakthrough & testimonies comes! Authority and Conquering comes! 

We bless you with this reminder of the all consuming fire, the breath, rivers of water ever flowing on, and the Cloud of Shekinah glory living within, around and eternally! 
Our mouth of prayer in Spirit releases the impossible to manifest to the possible.

For a visionary of this go to
We pray that this exposes you to mighty blessings. God bless you in Jesus Name. Subscribe to this page Letter to the Saints; help support our Ministry and vision to inform, encourage and uplift the Body of Christ. Also visit us Thanks in advance.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Word and Glory

Dearly Beloved Church and Saints of The Most High GOD,

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

‭‭John‬ ‭1:14‬ ‭

Jesus is full of grace and truth. Let us observe the word and his glory today. Jesus has character, He is accountable and compassionate. This means He moves in order & honor but also in grace and glory. Here is an example: When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.—Matthew 9:36

The sooner we realize that we are accountable for our lives, the faster we will progress through it. This means we can lead a honorable and graceful life, like Jesus!
We are stewards of all that God has given us, including our life. 
Accountability will ensure that we meet with success in whatever we do. Instead of murmuring about the situation you are in or waiting for the right circumstance to come along, start being accountable in every situation that God places you in. When you learn to give your best at all times, you will please God. And when God is pleased, He will surely bless you. Choose to be accountable irrespective of place, time or the people watching. 

What does that look like? Well crucifying self-centeredness and pridefulness. That way we are moved with compassion for others to act. That looks like accountability when your others are in the need of help.
The other thing is the major influences in our lives can be negative: the wrong friends, toxic relationships,people or outlets that feed the false ego We can all develope.

God can change your life, and a majority of the time, He's going to do it through those around you. 
Let us be consumed with being: Steadfast!

Steadfastness is doing right, even when circumstances are not favorable. Steadfastness is doing right even when there is loss, pain, sorrow, grief, and suffering.

King David for example; "for clean heart and steadfast spirit." (Psalms 51:10) Today steadfastness is a missing element. Loyalty in relationships is also missing. Hence, even husband-wife relationships become shaky with out Loyalty. Which comes from a honorable and a accountable lifestyle.

Steadfastness is consistency and reliability. It is easy to predict the behavior of a steadfast person.A steadfast parent or teacher would be consistent in disciplining and guiding.

Following Lord Jesus Christ is steadfast covenant. It cannot be an optional commitment that could be altered or edited or rejected according to whims and fancies. Faith generates faithfulness that is expressed in steadfastness.

“Come follow me and I will send you out to fish for people” (Mark 1:17). Jesus extends the same offer to each of us. Do you remember the invite from Jesus? He see us as His now that we are His and we are His Faithful Ephesians 1:1


RIGHT THINKING: The Lord views me as faithful because I am in Christ Jesus. With His help, I can walk out that faithfulness. 
As we put on the corrective lenses of God’s Word, we begin to understand what is truly attractive. Physical appearance will fade, but a beautiful character strengthens as couples face the hardships of life together.

Here is something I m grabbing in God's word 

As we grow in wisdom, we learn that godliness is actually pretty Charming, Attractive and dare I say sexy.
Read Song of Solomon 4:12. What attracted the lover to his bride?
Does your definition of attractiveness match God’s wisdom? Spend this week praying for God to give you His perspective on love and romance.
Take inventory of your inner attractiveness by reading 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and inserting your name in place of the word “love.” 

We can become better people by living a life full of accountability! Having honor and living in grace looks attractive and Being faith pleases God! Don't we all want to be the attractive bride for Christ & for Our Husbands or Wives? 

We pray this motivates you and encourages you to travel a road of faithfulness that births accountability! God bless!

"Now The LORD of peace Himself give you peace always by all means. The LORD be with you all." (2 Thessalonians 3:16). Keep us in Prayer that the advancing of His glorious Kingdom comes through us as we wait for His powerful day of arrival. God Bless you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ The LORD!

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Love the Sinner like Jesus

Dearly Beloved,  it is amazing to see how the culture of Christianity continues to decline. The problem with this isn't preaching it isn't standing for the gospel it isn't  helping the poor. I see a lot of churches preaching great messages, you see a lot of people standing for the gospel and many chargers are self supportive so they can help others that are in need. Those things are great. Those things are amazing! What's not amazing, is the fact that we have began a culture of unforgiveness to the sinner! We have began to censor ourselves around self righteous believes rather than an humble approach with the gospel. Many sinners are going to offend the church going people.  That is not the problem, the problem is that we have began to not destroy ourselves on the cross and be crucified with Christ. That actual principle allows us to love sinners. In fact the whole gospel is all centered around sinners! Jesus simply said I had not come for those that are a whole but come for those who are sick.  This we can all agree and understand once we allow the doors open for the sinners without a cost. Meaning we don't care about your sin we care about your soul. When we as the "self righteous "began to crucify ourselves to the cross  True separation in holiness begin to operate in the churches so that the sinners can be set free. God cannot work in a church that is not operating in complete holiness. Likewise brothers and sisters are temple is to be set apart from this world. And we are to love the sinner hate the sin!

God Bless you In Jesus Name,
God Head Disciple Ministry

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