
Friday, May 12, 2017

Authority and Access

Dearly Beloved, I stumbled upon a powerful message about The Lord's resurrection. 

If we're not winning when we're your alone then we don't "know" intimately know The Lord. Proclaiming a victorious life comes from establishing a covenant, by access through Christ. Access comes with Authority. They are hand in hand. We can not access anything in heavenly places if we do not use the keys to the Kingdom "Authority". We can not sit in heavenly places if we don't see the given authority through resurrection. The power of resurrection gives us not only eternal life, but it's not just for you. The seperior meaning for it all is to bring the resurrection life, power and authority to earth wherever we go! 

If we begin to look at ourselves embodied as the same body of Christ then revival won't have an expected end but will be a resurrection with life, power and authority everlasting. Is sitting on the Throne without the resurrection? No. Has it stopped? No! 
Philippians 3:10-12 "that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering's, being made conformable onto his death if by any means I might hang onto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained it, either we were already perfect but I follow after, if that I Apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus"

I can follow after and grasp the resurrection because I am grasped; accessed from Christ. Meaning Christ can control me. He can command something and we do it, because we follow after the power, authority and life. By accessing Him we have to be first accessed. Are we accessed by God? If so are we being used by God to do revival and bring His kingdom on the earth as it is in heaven? If you have been crucified with Christ then your free to live! If your dead on the cross from the beginning of creation, and your resurrection is continual then power life and authority should be exposed and exercised for the Glory of God! 

We have the choice to not press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. To press toward is to chase, pursue and run after. To be apprehended by God so that the world can be apprehended by you in christ in heavenly places. 

Philippians 3:14

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