
Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Root of Our Branch

Dearly Beloved of the Most High God,

The name of the church that Christ established on this earth 2,000 years ago is the Church of God (1 Co 1:2; 11:22; Gal 1:13). The Church of God is also called Zion (Heb 12:22; Rev 14:1). When we find out what kind of place Zion is, we can understand why we call the Church of God Zion. Identification is established through the Word of God, who is proclaimed as The Word of God and God Himself. John 1:1

God speaking Himself of His place and where it is!(Isaiah 57:15-17;Isaiah 2:2)

Where we're going and where we should be currently. (Hebrews 12:18-29)

The spiritual Zion was established by Jesus
The spiritual Zion is the dwelling place of God for ever and ever. It is the place where the blessing of eternal life is given to the people who are destined to die.

(Psalm 48 The Glory of God in Zion)

Ps.99:2 Great is the Lord in Zion He is exulted over all Nations 

Ps 132:13-14 For the LORD has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling: “This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it.”

Ps 133:3 It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.

Eternal life was the blessing which could be granted only when Jesus came (Jn 10:10). The words, “People receive eternal life in Zion,” were a prophecy that Jesus would come to this earth and establish the spiritual Zion. Therefore, we must go to Zion if we want to meet God and receive the blessing of eternal life in the time of the New Testament. The prophet Isaiah prophesied that the spiritual Zion where God dwells and where the forgiveness of sins is given is the place where the feasts are celebrated. 

As A Christian do you enter into Zion to worship and celebrate? Do u come off the mount? This is important as a believer because it sets us apart from "strange" worship. Believe me their are strange god's and strange worship. Much like the one of babel. The gate to many god's. Which is the practice of many normal modern churches. Why because Babylon is the worlds church. The gate to many god's! Accepting cultural diversity over cultural peculiarity. 

Isn't it strange that diversity has challenged our roots of spiritual understanding. I believe it's the influence of the world that has changed the culture which establishes diversity. Which is why we have no order within the Church. I can be wrong with this statement. I however see many unaware of their God. We're gonna be part takers of the feasts and celebrations. It would occur to me that The Church would influence culture by this. The God of Israel would be known! However As Zion "the Church" we are to be the one who influences the culture of diversity so that our spiritual roots are understood. 

Romans 11 (Which to us is so beautiful) 
Speaks of us being apart of a Holy Tree rather than a wild olive tree. Grafted in means diversity is acceptable by God."All nations, tribes and tongue." However to produce the function of the Holy Olive tree we have to understand the purpose and order of the tree. That is Hebrew roots. Meaning we go from one translation to another. Out of darkness into His marvelous light. Colossians 1:13

What is that Holy tree?! Christ! We are called to imitate Christ. This doesn't mean to walk around becoming all Hebrew no, but by heart we ought know who we are standing for right? In Romans 2:28:29 talks about being a Jew inward having the circumcision of the heart and spirit. That's the cutting away of the wild and old nature. We were imposters being being called into the Kingdom. We were alienated. 
If it had not been for unbelief from the Jews against their King how then could we call Him King? (Romans 11:19-20

Its now our faith that is the down payment into the Kingdom. The seed of Abraham. Our faith brings us into a place of faithfulness because we get intimate with our roots, culture and King. We walk after Him. We begin to look like Him. We can't have understanding without intimacy. In the midst of intimacy is where acknowledgement births revelation. When we acknowledge Who He is we understand Who we are. Revelation! 

We can't be made into precious stones without His precious hands. His Hebrew hands! 
We can't fit into His wedding garments if we accustomed to our attire. We can't not have a extraordinary experience that will eradicate our foundation if we aren't willing to approach Zion His dwelling place in respect and understanding. In doing this I believe it will change the entire understanding of God and our foundation will be constructed differently. Which is what He has been trying to do the entire time in the modern church age. 
Getting it back to the original form. 

Diversity is our glorious function and peculiarity is our standing stone. 

Peculiarity stands alone as one as the Body should be. In order to govern as we are designed to we must gain intimacy with The Lord Jesus Christ of such presence that it prepares us to look and function like Holiness. We are a set apart generation, cut away from today's culture while we celebrate in Spirit and in truth. I believe it our job to influence others to know God by looking like Him.