
Gods Promises!


What if we Believed the promises of God? We can meditate on these scriptures daily. I have come up with scriptural teachings based on standing out in faith to see the promises of God manifest in our lives, coming from my personal studies and experience on day to day interaction with people and God. I am faced with applying these promises and standing firm in faith. I have been recently moved by My family at the Church I attended, so I m carrying out the same things that their vision stands for.
I feel like the more we stand with our pastors and believers with their visions we bring life to it by our actions by not only doing it but also sharing it. Here are some to start out.
Each day for the next 28 days I ll be adding to this with my experience and studies through the scriptures to share inspiration and challenge the Body of Christ to stand on the Promises of God! So I gives us an idea on how to address our events in life dealing with ourselves, or if we are having to face enemy tactics sent by our Adversary Satan.
Day 1{God is for Us Romans 8:31}
Day 2{Peace of God Philippians 4:6-7}
Day 3{A new Creature in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17}
Day 4{Within the Weariness Matthew 11:28}
Day 5{Enduring Temptation James 1:12}
Day 6{Unconditional Love 1 John 4:9-10}

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