Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Living not for a Revival but always in one!

Dearly Beloved Church and Saints of The Most High GOD,

There have been numbers of people who have had a yes on an occasion, but history is made by people who have a yes forever. Those who know God's promises and live in holiness can be assured a perpetual incline and move into not just revival but historically changing the face of the planet. It starts with you and me.

It begins with believing in the vision God has laid upon your heart. It means protecting it. It means investing in people who may not to you think is able to carry out with you the dream. It means that we must walk in full surrender so that everything that is said can not be used to tare down what God is preparing within you. It means learning tactics, longer prayer services, walking up to doorsteps and abiding in accountability. It means that we are needing to be open for every possible way for God to use us. It means that we are not to think about the greatness of the world done by us, but The Glory from Heaven that instills greatness through you in the world. It means staying away from distractions. It means losing to the Spirit of God and willing to put down the flesh. It means to drive up a fire within you that can not be stopped. It means different prayers, different functions of spiritual gifts being unlocked so that God can tare down strongholds through you. It means less sleep and more work. It means our vision goes down the toilet, and His vision becomes our focus.

Our focal point, being the center of our soul will determine where we go. This means that we are not allowed to be compromising in areas we should be standing. This means we should not just watch society continually slap Jesus in the face. Notice that when Jesus was being arrested, Peter went and struck the man with his sword. Yet, when it came time for Jesus to answer a question by the Pharisees he was struck in the face. Where was Peter then? My point is every time we allow sin in our surroundings without being the voice crying out in the Wilderness we allow Jesus to be struck all over again. Yet we ask for things of heaven, yet we can not stand up for what we already have. We say we need a revival to change things, but Greater is He who is In You that He that is in the world. You can be a revival focal point for God. Do you know that We are a gate for Heaven? By Being a vessel and temple of the Holy Ghost we can carry revival with us and sparks of God will fly off us and ignite cities. Yet we continue to allow satan to drag out a lamb at a time from our flock, discourage our people and loved ones with fear, intimidation, lies and accusations. 

God is raising up and training generals. If you want to be a focal point for God then start by getting in order the function of your very home. Pray and speak in your home within the Spirit. Let every action you do be full of Love. Let everything has a purpose and meaning. Let everything you say be a confiding and equipping message to your husband or wife and children. Be the fire the torch and traveler to pioneer into great lands of elevation for the Glory of God.

Do not let the enemy tell you it is about a season. Let me show you here in Psalm 1 verse 3 " And He (Us) shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water(Salvation, cleansing, renewing, and healing) that bringeth forth fruit. (Production of fruit comes from the watering of the word, standing in salvation, cleansing, renewing and healings. His (Us)leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he (us) doeth shall prosper." Take note that fruit comes from the water, but there is never a withering. That mean by my understanding, is that we are steadily increasing and growing. So our season is always now. It is not something we need to be waiting for. That is a harvest, a harvest is receiving not serving or giving. Be the revival everywhere you go. It is in your giving and serving that you seek God's plan. It is in your work that you are waiting for a harvest that invests in your life and blessing. Yet an outpouring, awakening, or revival starts with you and me. Seek God face to face and I can assure you if we being to claim a revival within our heart it will be so! God Bless! 

Be encouraged in Jesus' Name!
"Now The LORD of peace Himself give you peace always by all means. The LORD be with you all." (2 Thessalonians 3:16). Keep us in Prayer that the advancing of His glorious Kingdom comes through us as we wait for His powerful day of arrival. God Bless you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ The LORD!

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