Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Governing The Inheritance

Dearly Beloved Of the Most High God,
Governing The Inheritance consist of first knowledge to govern which takes power from the Holy Spirit. Then, it takes true understanding of direction in what to govern. 

The fact that God calls us the Church In His word should be hope enough. But He doesn't stop there! He goes on to say that we will be given power over the Devil and He shall not prevail. The problem with that is we have stopped using our power to shift the Nation. Maybe sure in our lives. This is however a call for not yourself, but for everything to supports your livelihood. God clearly gives us insight and direction on what to govern in this world! 
The Nations! What we need is prayer and Intercession from watchmen and gatekeepers of the Church. Every believer is considered a piece of a powerful Nation being birth. 
"A Holy Nation" A Royal Priesthood. The reason for a priest was to make atonement for the Sin of a Nation. This is what God wants us to achieve Acts 26:18 "to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."

The inheritors of God's provision grant permission for elevation in campaign against wickedness! Increase as we march toward to infiltrate. It's our birthright since we are now new creations and set apart. It is our Legacy that God has written about when "He declared the End from the beginning."Isaiah 46:10 Do you see He has written about you!? 

This the accomplishment that God has wanted for us His Church to achieve. It is our prize thing to win over the Nations and set security in the hearts of people. We provide the answer for all their needs but it starts in the Church with The Church! 

The gift that is bestowed is now a responsibility for others. This is now our burden because others have neglected the call. God will get their attention. First, we have inherited His character to demonstrate and Power to Govern. The Currency of such inheritance is Mercy! 
We are called to restrain with supreme power providing  and dispensing Mercy. Mercy is the New Currency! 

Let me ask you can a Nation be established in one day? Isaiah 66:8 "When Zion travailed she brought forth her sons and daughters."
Galatians 3:29 " If ur be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the 

This is our Destined time for America Our Nation. Abraham pleaded with God, our first Intercessor. Which God agreed to save of 10 righteous people would be found with in the place to be salvaged. Are you willing to pray other families, marriages, ministries and even cities gone astray. Did you not receive Mercy from Him on High? Who will go for Him? Will you!? Will govern Mercy through intercession and prayer? How will you be spending your inheritance?

The hope we have for America is because of God. No Matter the depth of a fall it never determines God's ability to restore.

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Daily letters to equip, encourage and challenge the Body of Christ. Tactics in action, spreading the gospel to Nations in Jesus Name! 
☦️God bless,
Godhead Disciple Ministry

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