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Dearly Beloved of the Most High God,
The sign we can tell we are in need of reconciliation is the on germinated seed in our field. This is what stops us from stewarding the field of our life. By actions of Jesus the ministry of reconciliation was born. Reconciliation redeems relationships, restores harmony, peace and agreement.
Second Corinthians 5:17 we are new creatures in
Christ. Verse 18: and all things are of God who are reconciled – this may look like cultivated dug up ground ready to be planted in. This must also become like the field of our life. We must also be focused on planting and scattering seeds in our proximity. The enemy I fear would have us so focused on us, that we fail to see when we can be the seed for someone else.
Judgment and condemnation are stones of religion not love. They can bring hurt more so than reconciliation. These are barriers of our very flesh. By God's word used as a shovel God's hand cannot move with Mercy and an abundant pardon by casting the stones out of our fields. The garden of our heart determines the field of our life. Isaiah 55:7
The flash with in the heart can turn over the stones of unrighteousness to form a path. To turn them around from that path I say get rid of it altogether. We cannot justify our sin because of someone else's sin from our past. The thought of our heart can be transformed.
Acts 8:22
The garden was once a barren field that is now alive by the light which is Christ. The thoughts of the heart are under the stones of unforgiveness. Once removed, does the odds of our heart can be light, inspiration and truth.
Without the light and truth, inspiration is hard to present to the field of life. Our proximity our city our churches and our nation cannot receive inspiration without the true work of an inward garden that is flourishing by the righteous hands of our maker. Mirror Christ's love despite circumstances or situation. We can now carry the message of reconciliation.
However, your pride will tempt you to withhold it, your intellect will try to justify what is fair, your heart will attempt to manipulate your motives. The plan here is to cultivate new production for the king. The obvious labor against us is to allow the poisonous weeds to apprehend the seed of Christ, the light; the message. A house divided cannot stand. We are a ambassador of Christ, without cultivated rich soil to plant in production cannot be made for
the kingdom.
Therefore the harvest cannot thrive or blossom to its full potential without the power of reconciliation. Righteous action, grace, love, forgiveness, humility are the powers source.
The mark of the floors and garden is the work of right just hands. Those hands are made for fields of life. Change your proximity by reconciliation. Reconciliation will then birth into germination.
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☦️God bless,
Godhead Disciple Ministry