Friday, June 2, 2017

What are we hungry for?

Dearly Beloved Saints of the Most High God, I greet you with an sincerity and truthful love:

I ask you what are you hungry for? Have we grown for the presence or for the nourishment? Are we starting for provisions or for provider?

It's occurred to me through passage in John 6 The Lord began to speak to me in which now I must relay a message. Jesus looks to supply his followers knowing their hearts. Jesus asked to Philip, "where shall we buy bread that these may eat?" Withholding the miracle within a parable. Then a man was found willing to give five barley loaves, and two fish representing the sacrifice of one's self or personal gain. The Holy Spirit speaks that this is the reflection of God John 3:16 "he gave His Son" & Jesus gave up his life to finish the will of the Father. We simply cannot achieve greatness if we are not willing to give. Brothers and sisters by the act of giving up the surrendering of our lives to Christ is the depiction of unleavened bread. Again I greet you as the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth 1 Corin. 5:6-8! 

Are we partaking of the bread of life?
When we partake of his death Galatians 2:20 and partake of his burial Roman 6:4 we then are partakers of resurrection, life, revival Colossians 2:12. 

Now why do we therefore partake of leave that raises us up from the death on the cross? Prolonging the state of the miracle inheritance, provisions and citizenship from the kingdom which disables us to bring and finish the will of the Father. 
Notice Jesus told the disciples to make them who would receive food to sit. In order to see anything happen in your life through Christ we must remain seated in him. Has the church began to replace the bread of life with the love of our own? God forbid! We cannot except nor expect expansion where we are walking not in sincerity and truth. (being leavened) 

When we desired the thing more than the provider, that things stirs up a storm in the midst of a sea and until Jesus is received in the vessel your reasons  for provisions are only self indulged. Have we began chasing after the things that stir up the old self? Are we pursuing the bread of life or only partaking of the crumbs, to get our filling only to return back to what we seek? 

Matthew 6:33 says "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness and all these "things" shall be added unto you."
John 6:27 says "labor not for the meat which parishes but for the meat which endure it on to everlasting life." 
Believe on him who he have sent. John 6:33 states Jesus revealing his identity comparing it to John 1verse 4 "in him was life" 

If we are to eat of the bread of life we must first seek him and his righteousness. Then labor secondly for the meat of everlasting life and thirdly believe in Christ whom was sent.

The miraculous manifestation must happen with the willingness to know the provider rather than the provisions. Sustenance rather Successfulness. We must keep ourselves at the point of exposure. We must be willing to let Christ operate within us, purging us of our things, the leaven that keeps us from withholding the sustenance of everlasting. 
So again I ask you are you full or hungry? 
Matthew 5:6 blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. 

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Daily letters to equip, encourage and challenge the Body of Christ. Tactics in action, spreading the gospel to Nations in Jesus Name!  

God bless,
Godhead Disciple Ministry

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