God Head Disciple Ministry

God bless you! Dedicated to Our First Love Jesus Christ!

Thank you for visiting Our Ministry. May God bless you on your journey with Jesus Christ and We pray that we are able to connect with you. Our Aim is to point you and others to Jesus and the mighty finished work on the Cross.

We want to encourage and build up as many people through teachings, devotions, learning topics such as; spiritual warfare dealing with the Armor of God

Learning The Names Of God (A series) Cultivate Spiritual RelationshipsHow to B.L.E.S.S someone.

Roxy Marie Byzewski presents Anointed Poetry in which is extraordinarily creative and passionate. This intimacy that is expressed through her poetry becomes real and emotional. We hope that it builds life and love with you and Our Creator, Yeshua Our Salvation.

The Cost of Discipleship Jesus gave us such a clear view on our journey as His Disciples. We are His and their is a price we learn to bare daily. 

We Have now a Warfare Basics 101 A Series presented by Daniel Byzewski, Teaching how praying and deliverance is important, along with Spiritual Warfare. Spiritual Warfare with out deliverance and Healing is just warfare with no Victory

We also keep you up with the concerns recently updated news around the world dealing with End Time Prophecy, through our Prophetic News. Most Importantly learning the word and Gods Salvation Plan for you is our Aim into launch you into battle and a Mighty fearless Warrior

Our Ministry Vision

Our Ministry is merely ideals, goals and passion within visionary mission to share and build up the Body of Christ. Inspirational devotions and teachings through prayer filled studies to share from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We safely say we deal mostly in Intercession/Prayer/Prophetic/Deliverance/Spiritual Warfare. We are here to voice merely what We have found on our own Journey. By experience with life and its struggles, joys and accomplishments we personally share our stories and others. We choose to share to what seems to us our hope, light and a blessings. We wish to invest in Hope with the Message of Grace and Mercy. We devoted simply my life to Serve Christ and to spread His Teachings far and Wide.

To get a little more back ground and contact info please visit About Us

Yes We personally are looking to connect with as many Christian activist and anyone who is involved with Ministry. Pastors, Evangelical servants, Christian Bloggers & Writers.We all make up the body of Christ, and all have assignments carried out for God.

Our Vision is to reach the ends of the earth by not only with the teachings of Jesus Christ but being hands on with people personally and helping them build a relationship with Jesus Christ. This vision can grow and will grow with your support of just sharing our work and interest to make an impact on cites, states and Nations. Our Purpose begins within and burns outwardly. We believe with a little help and endorsement on many ends, with of course prayer and guidance by the Holy Spirit we can reach our goal into impacting not Only America but all Nations. If but one person from each Nation begins to consume themselves with the everlasting fire Of God Imagine not what God Head Disciple Ministry can do but The Entire Body of Christ. We pray for your support and thank you in advance!  


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